Posts in Cardiac Arrest
Shall we stop - Discontinuing resuscitation

In this months episode, we explore one of the most challenging aspects of paramedic practice — discontinuing resuscitation and how to deliver that news with compassion and clarity. Breaking bad news following a cardiac arrest is a crucial skill, yet often done poorly. We discuss who should take the lead, how to manage dynamic prehospital environments, and how to tell families their loved one has died after a cardiac arrest.

From delivering effective warning shots to preparing families for what to expect, we share practical advice and real-world experience to help emergency care professionals navigate this sensitive situation. Whether you're a paramedic, emergency doctor, or part of a resuscitation team, this episode offers invaluable insights to improve your communication skills and patient care.

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Traumatic Cardiac Arrest

Prehospital Traumatic Cardiac Arrest (TCA) is a rare and particularly stressful presentation to paramedics and emergency clinicians.
We should be comfortable with the different algorithm rescusers should use in resuscitation and understand the reasonings for modifications in these low output states in trauma.
So, why dont we do chest compressions in a traumatic cardiac arrest? Should TCA's be given adrenaline and what does HOTT Stand for? We've got the answers to all this and more.

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Heroin Overdose

Heroin overdose or other opiate poisoning is an emergency that most paramedics and ambulance staff will be familiar with. However, there are some elements that can cause uncertainty for responders. What comes first CPR or naloxone? What are the signs of opiate toxicity? How much naloxone antidote do you give to someone to reverse opiate induced respiratory arrest?

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**This podcast features discussion of suicide and hanging**

Hanging is one of the most common methods of suicide in the western world. Ambualnce crew are likely to come across these cases in the course of their work and so it is important that we understand the pathophysiology and managment of them.

This month we discuss how hanging causes cardiac arrest, clarrify commonly used terms, discuss the managment as well as emotional support for family and staff involved in these cases.
Make sure you debrief the incident, take care of your own emotional and mental health after incidents such as these. The ambulance staff crisis phone line is 0300 373 0898. Look after your health and that of your colleagues.

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