Remote clinical support and top cover
“Asking for advice poorly, is asking for poor advice”
Take away points
Take away points
Go somewhere quiet, with good signal to make the call
Think about what you want to gain from this conversation, can you put your dilemma into one or two sentences?
Use a structred format to provide your information such as ISBAR
Slowdown your information delivery
Dont forget to reccomend what you think should happen, this is really helpful to the advisor.
Offer to repeat anything and be patient whilst the advisor clarrifies their understanding.
Remember the primacy of clinical responsibility remains with you.
Remember, clinicians are responsible for their own practice. These podcasts are produced for informative purposes and should not be considered solely sufficient to adjust practice. We provide lots of learning resources, so don’t just take our word for it…navigate to these and reflect on this topic further. See "The Legal Bit" for more info.
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