Strep A and Scarlette Fever
“Although scarlet fever is seen after streptococcal sore throat... it may also occur following burns or an infected wound”
Take Away Points
Take Away Points
Strep A is responsible for a number of infections, the most common of which are strep throat and Scarlette fever.
It predominantly affects ages 2-8 with a peak around age 4, but it is not exlcusive to paediatrics.
We should use CENTOR or FEVER-PAIN scores to help us calculate the likelyhood of strepthroat infection and guide our treatment advice.
If we suspect strep throat infection we should refer the patient for anti-biotics.
Patients with throat symptoms, a pinpoint blanching rash and red tongue may have scarlette fever and so should be refered to their GP for follow up, antibiotics and monitoring.
We need to ensure we provide comprehensive and accurate worsening advice both written and verbal.
In patinets with a previous history of strep A infection in recent weeks, we need to bare in mind some of the complications of this infection such as rhematic fever.
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